(A) Genomic Southern hybridization analysis of nine d1 mutants using S5933 as a probe. Lanes: 1, λ/HindIII; 2, Nipponbare; 3, Kasalath; 4, FL2; 5, HO532; 6, HO533; 7, HO537; 8, HO538; 9, HO541; 10, HO552; 11, CM382; 12, CM1792; 13, λ/HindIII. Three micorgrams of total DNA were digested with HindIII. (B) Northern hybridization analysis using S5933 (1) or S14002 (2) (actin) as a probe. Lanes: 1, Nipponbare; 2, Kasalath; 3, FL2; 4, HO532; 5, HO541; 6, HO552.