Figure 6. Pre- and postsynaptic markers and ankyrin-G are correctly localized in transfected retinal neurons.
(A) High-power view of several dendrites of a retinal ganglion cell transfected with PSD95-GFP (green) and counterstained with an antibody against the synaptic ribbon component Kif3a (red). Most PSD95 puncta are in close proximity to one or more synaptic ribbons. Scale bar, 10 µm. (B) Ankyrin-G-MB-GFP (green) and HcRed (red) were transfected into a retinal ganglion cell. HcRed labels the whole extent of the cell, whereas Ankyrin-G-MB-GFP is found in the initial segment of the axon (arrows). Some Ankyrin-G-MB-GFP labeling is seen in the soma and the primary dendrites, the place of protein synthesis. Scale bar 50 µm. (C) Starburst amacrine cell transfected with an expression plasmid for synaptophsin-GFP. The known synaptic output sites of these cells, varicosities in the outer third of the dendritic tree are labeled with this marker. (D) Starburst amacrine cell transfected with expression plasmids for the cell-filling marker HcRed (red) and a fusion protein from the synaptic vesicle marker VAChT-GFP (green). Scale bar, 50 µm.