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. 2007 Jan 30;7:1. doi: 10.1186/1471-2415-7-1

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Unrooted parsimony phylogram of Fusarium EF-1α gene sequences. Nucleotide sequences of EF-1α gene were compared by ClustalW multiple alignment using MacVector 7.1.1 software (Accelrys, San Diego, CA). Phylogenetic analyses were done with the PAUP v4 program using a bootstrap method with a Neighbor-Joining or Maximum Parsimony search [21]. The numbers on the branches indicate percent bootstrap values, based on 1000 replicates. Three distinct clades were seen in both the F. oxysporum and the F. solani strains. The six strains from our investigation came from five different patients: 23-06 (corneal ulcer), 24-06 (contact lens), 158-06 (right eye), 159-06 (corneal ulcer left eye), 237-06 and 238-06 (contact lens case swab and contact lens cleaning solution from the same patient). Three outlier controls were F. oxysporum (163-05) and F. solani (1064-05), previously isolated from unrelated keratitis cases, and F. oxysporum (974-05) isolated from finger nail.