Figure 5.
Sample of the combination of standard Doppler mitral inflow and Tissue Doppler of septal and lateral mitral annulus in a 38-year male patient affected by acute promyelocytic leukemia undergoing CT by idarubicine (12 mg/m2) + trans-retinoic acid (45 mg/m2). In the upper panel transmitral E/A ratio is > 1 (E peak velocity = 0.78 m/s); In the lower panels Tissue Doppler derived Em peak velocity is 0.07 m/s (left panel) and 0.08 m/s (right panel) respectively, determining an average Em = 0.075 m/s. Thus, E/Em ratio is = 10.4, indicating an initial increase of LV filling pressure (normal values of E/Em ratio < 8, see Ref # 90). E = transmitral early diastolic peak velocity, Em = Tissue Doppler derived myocardial early diastolic peak velocity.