Fig. 5.
Transient expression and plastid import of TransA-GFP in Arabidopsis leaf epidermis cells of Atoep16-1 and wild-type plants. DNA for transA-GFP, encoding transA and the GFP, was transformed into leaf epidermis cells of Arabidopsis wild-type and atoep16 plants. After 24 h in darkness, GFP (A and D) and chlorophyll (B and E) fluorescences were monitored between 505–530 nm and 575–650 nm, respectively, by using an excitation wavelength of 488 nm. (C) Merge of A and B. (F) Merge of D and E. As subcellular localization controls, the naked GFP moiety lacking a transit peptide attached to it (not imported into either atoep16 or wild-type plastids) and transB-GFP (imported into both plastid types) were used (data not shown).