Figure 6.
In silico transcriptional disruption frequencies for full length ERVs and related solitary LTRs. ERV consensus elements in either orientation were placed in the context of the human HOXA9 gene and probabilities of usage of splice sites and polyadenylation signals were computed (see Materials and methods). An in silico bootstrapping technique was used to estimate overall frequencies of transcriptional disruption due to these signals. Two bars are shown for each ERV type in each panel, with bars on the left-hand sides representing modes of transcriptional disruption for ERVs in the sense direction, and data for antisense elements in the right-hand side bars. The upper and lower panels represent disruption frequencies by solitary LTRs and full length ERVs, respectively. Grey bars represent polyadenylation events (for example, events 'a' to 'c' in Figure 5) and black bars correspond to fully spliced exonization events (for example, events 'd' and 'e' in Figure 5).