The ubiquitin-like domain of PLIC-1 mediates aggregate transport. (A) Baby hamster kidney cells transfected with Myc–PLIC-1ΔUBL and AUI-Q78 were stained for AU1 and PLIC-1. (B) Myc–PLIC-1- and AUI-Q78-transfected cells were stained for AU1 and PLIC-1. (C) AU1-Q78-transfected cells were treated with nocodazole (1 μM, 2 h) and stained for AU1 and PLIC-1. (D) Myc–PLIC-1ΔUBL- and AUI-Q78-transfected cells were stained for AU1 and EPS15. (E) AU1-Q78-transfected cells were stained for AU1 and EPS15. Scale bar, 10 μm. AU1, epitope tag; EPS15, epidermal growth factor substrate 15; PLIC-1, protein linking IAP to the cytoskeleton; UBL, ubiquitin-like.