Banding patterns of the geomorphological reaches in the Danube River. Banding patterns of the geomorphological reaches displaying only prominent bands for the Danube River (black squares indicate bands found in more than 50% of the stations in a particular geomorphological reach [numbers 1 through 9]) and their relatedness based on Jaccard's dissimilarity index are shown. Additionally, the figure shows the position of sequenced bands and the abbreviations in brackets indicate the phylogenetic identity of the phylotypes (Cyb, Cyanobacteria; CFB, Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides; Alpha, Alphaproteobacteria; Beta, Betaproteobacteria; Gamma, Gammaproteobacteria; Act, Actinobacteria). A schematic representation of the DGGE banding patterns for each station obtained in this study can be found in Fig. S1 in the supplemental material.