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. 2006 Aug;41(4 Pt 1):1159–1180. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2006.00528.x

Table 3.

Fixed Effects Regression Models

Core Safety Net Hospital Voluntary Safety Net Hospital Nonsafety Net Hospital

Variable Log(UC) % Expense UC Log(UC) % Expense UC Log(UC) % Expense UC
Policy variables
 Medicare pressure, 1998 year −0.791 −0.228 −0.641 −0.051 −0.272 −0.009
 Medicare pressure, 1999 year −0.797 −0.206* 0.055 −0.016 0.147 0.003
 Medicare pressure, 2000 year −0.344 −0.209 0.129 0.292 0.188 0.016
 Medicaid pressure, 1998 year −0.306 −0.028 −0.119 0.072 0.029 −0.008
 Medicaid pressure, 1999 year −0.878*** −0.165** −0.586 0.031 0.476 0.010
 Medicaid pressure, 2000 year −1.341*** −0.283*** −0.993 0.111 −0.107 −0.025
Hospital characteristics
 Hospital beds size (in 00s) 0.052*** 0.003 0.079*** −0.005 0.063*** −0.001
 Number of hi-tech services −0.029 −0.008 0.021 −0.002 0.006 −0.0000
 Public or religious owner 0.259** 0.028* 0.051 0.010 0.039 0.007
 System member −0.059 −0.003 0.120 0.007 0.001 0.001
 Network member −0.057 −0.010 −0.067 −0.003 0.001 0.001
 Facility has skilled nursing unit −0.071 −0.019* 0.019 −0.0001 −0.008
Market measures
 Hirschman–Herfindahl index 0.004 −0.028 −0.547 −0.079 0.345* 0.043**
 HMO market share −0.221 −0.075* −0.436*** −0.051* 0.085 0.007
 Proportion of Medicaid population in HMOs 0.159 0.010 0.273 0.007 0.101 0.010
 Number of core safety net hospital beds 20.635** 3.480* 0.407 −0.274 −0.573 −0.019
 Ratio of FQHC visits to population 2.941 0.343 1.488 −0.704 −2.120*** −0.087
 Proportion of population 65+ 3.199 0.951 2.655 7.347 −2.256 −0.456
 Proportion of population under age 65 who are uninsured 0.902 0.155 −0.013 0.138 0.090 0.028
 Proportion of population less than age 17 who are Medicaid eligible −0.043 −0.006 −0.167* −0.004 −0.037 −0.002
Year variables
 1997 0.0004 −019 0.082*** 0.002 0.062*** 0.002*
 1998 −0.059 0.003 0.115*** 0.001 0.095*** 0.001
 1999 0.088 −0.017 0.178*** 0.009 0.162*** 0.002
 2000 0.111 −0.001 0.237*** 0.045 0.232*** 0.001
 Constant 16.049*** 0.027 15.038*** −0.769 14.579*** 0.084***

Reported results are from robust regression that accounts for nonindependent distribution of errors in hospital clusters.


p ≤ .10


p ≤ .05


p ≤ .01.

HMO, health maintenance organization; FQHC, Federally Qualified Community Health Center.