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. 2006 Nov 3;189(4):1199–1208. doi: 10.1128/JB.01351-06


Selected phyletic patterns reflecting the evolutionary trends of different groups of Lactobacillales

Patterna: No. of LaCOGs Comments and examples
+++++++−++++ 35 Specific gene loss in O. oeni; several informational genes lost: MutL, MutS, RadC, Sun
++++++++++−+ 21 Specific gene loss in L. delbrueckii: several sugar metabolism genes lost: Eno, GalKMT
++++++−−++++ 17 Specific gene loss in O. oeni and L. mesenteroides; several RNA modification genes lost: TrmU, TrmE, RsuA, GidA
++++++++−−++ 12 Specific gene loss in L. johnsonii and L. gasseri; 8 genes of fatty acid biosynthesis lost
−+++++++++++ 29 Specific loss in S. thermophilus; 4 genes of 6-phosphogluconate pathway
−−−+++++++++ 21 Specific loss Streptococcus-Lactococcus branch; several genes of central metabolism: FumC, GpmA, Gmk
+−−+++++++++ 16 Specific loss in Lactococcus branch; 5 genes for amino acid transport
+++−++++−−++ 11 A set of bacteria that lost purine biosynthesis genes (9 of 11)
−−−−−−−−++−− 88 Specific signature of gastrointestinal tract-inhabiting bacteria L. johnsonii and L. gasseri; 48 of these genes are uncharacterized
−−−−−−−−+++− 38 Signature of related bacteria (Fig. 4); 28 of these genes are uncharacterized
+++−+−+−−−−+ 18 A set of bacteria that encode genes for aromatic acid biosynthesis and histidine biosynthesis (14 of 18)
−−−−−−−−−−++ 16 Genes shared between L. delbrueckii and L .casei: 8 belong to a distinct version of the CASS
+++−+−+−−−−− 8 All these genes are involved in amino acid biosynthesis, mostly proline and tryptophan

+, gene is present in the species; −, gene is absent. Species are denoted by letters as follows: a, S. thermophilus; b, L. lactis subsp. lactis; c, L. lactis subsp. cremoris; d, L. brevis; e, L. plantarum; f, P. pentosaceus; g, L. mesenteroides; h, O. oeni; i, L. johnsonii; j, L. gasseri; k, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus; l, L. casei.