FIG. 6.
The CD46-utilizing Ads preferentially induce IFN-β in HeLa. RT-PCR was performed to detect expression of TLR9 and TLR7 in HeLa cells (A). HeLa cells were infected with various concentrations of CAR-utilizing Ad5.F5 or CD46-utilizing Ad5.F16, and 48 h later, IFN-β production was assessed by ELISA (B). The infection of HeLa cells by different Ad vectors was determined by FACS analyses of GFP expression. Both the extent (%GFP+) and mean fluorescence intensity values (MFI) were determined for each sample (C). Ad-induced NF-κB activation in infected cells was determined by Western blot analysis of IκBα degradation. Cell lysates were generated from uninfected HeLa cells (−) or from cells treated with Ad5.F5 or Ad5.F16 MC or EC for 45 min (D).