Development of the HR and susceptible tissue collapse in leaves of cvs. Red Mexican and Tendergreen inoculated with suspensions of 2 × 108 cells/ml of race 7 strain 1449B (black bars), cured strain RW60 (white bars), complemented strains RW60 (pAV521) (light gray bars) and RW60 (pAV518) (dark gray bars). Symptom scores assigned to infiltrated tissue were: 0, no reaction; 1, partial glazing; 2, 100% glazing over the inoculation site; 3, up to 50% tissue collapse; 4, between 50 and 100% collapse, 5, 100% collapse; 6, 100% collapse and browning, as observed during the HR. Data are the mean scores from sites in two leaves. Note that pAV521 carries avrPphF, the avr gene matching resistance gene R1 in Red Mexican.