Effects of substitutions that strengthen (T544I/D581G) or weaken (L607P) the σ
70 region 4/β flap interaction. The exonuclease barriers shown in panel B were quantified with Imagequant, and label in the λQ-dependent band at −31 was plotted as a fraction of the sum of label in the bands at −31, −22 and −12; the barriers at −22 and −12 are specific for the σ
70-dependent paused elongation complex, and are produced after exonuclease digests past the λQ barrier. We note that no differences in pause half-life were observed with these mutant holoenzymes (
Nickels et al., 2005), suggesting that the effects of these σ
70 substitutions on the half-life of the λQ barrier are not indirect manifestations of changes in the stability of the paused elongation complexes.