Table 5.
Convergent Validity: Correlations with Readiness to Change
Readiness to Change |
Measure | Composite | Precontemplation | Contemplation | Action |
SOGS | .45 | −.22 | .33 | .46 |
GA20 | .54 | −.18 | .41 | .57 |
SOGS Freq | .31 | −.09 | .22 | .33 |
GABS | .51 | −.19 | .41 | .52 |
Quantity | .49 | −.30 | .37 | .47 |
GQPN Freq | .40 | −.17 | .11 | .50 |
GPI | .51 | −.18 | .38 | .54 |
Note. Sample included 90 participants scoring 3 or higher on the SOGS. SOGS refers to the South Oaks Gambling Screen. GA20 refers to the Gamblers Anonymous 20 Questions. SOGS Freq refers to the SOGS frequency index. GABS refers to the Gambling Attitudes and Beliefs Scale. GQPN Freq refers to the frequency item on the GQPN. GPI refers to Gambling Problems Index. Alpha levels were set at .002 based on Bonferroni correction, thus correlations above .31 can be considered statistically significant.