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. 2006 Jan;65(1):109–111. doi: 10.1136/ard.2004.034231

Table 1 Summary of patients with systemic vasculitis who also had a definite (Sapporo criteria) diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome.

1 64 M Polyarteritis nodosa IgA >160 U/ml multiple occasions Multiple venous thrombotic events Lifelong warfarin
2 52 F Relapsing polychondritis IgG >16 U/ml multiple occasions Bilateral deep vein thromboses (no other cause found) Lifelong warfarin
3 56 M Wegener's granulomatosis IgM up to 70 IU/ml multiple occasions DVT × 1 (no other cause found) Lifelong warfarin
4 56 F Churg‐Strauss syndrome Multiple positives Thrombotic CVA (no other cause found) Lifelong warfarin
5 64 M Unclassified systemic disease IgG × 2 DVT and PE Started warfarin, died on ITU
6 71 F Giant cell arteritis (29 μ/ml, 17 μ/ml) IgM × 2 Thrombotic CVA Lifelong warfarin
7 60 F Churg‐Strauss syndrome Multiple positives Thrombotic CVA Lifelong warfarin
8 55 M Limited Wegener's granulomatosis IgM > 17 U/ml Thrombotic microangiopathy on renal biopsy
9 39 F Takayasu's disease IgG 10.4 U/ml Multiple positives recurrent abortions (4) and one intrauterine death Aspirin 75 mg daily

DVT, deep vein thrombosis; CVA, cardiovascular accident; PE, pulmonary embolism.