(A) Experimental data for alkaline phosphatase. The enzyme was assayed as described by Peterson et al. [2], and the data were smoothed as described here in the Experimental section; the data are plotted as rate (μM·s−1) against temperature (K) against time during assay (s). (B) The result of fitting the experimental data for alkaline phosphatase to the Equilibrium Model. Parameter values derived from this fitting are: ΔG‡cat, 57 kJ·mol−1; ΔG‡inact, 97 kJ·mol−1; ΔHeq, 86 kJ·mol−1; Teq, 333 K [2]. (C) The result of running a simulation of the Classical Model using the values of ΔG‡cat and ΔG‡inact derived from the fitting described above. The experimental data itself cannot be fitted to the Classical Model.