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. 2003 Aug;41(8):3919–3921. doi: 10.1128/JCM.41.8.3919-3921.2003


Clinical features and laboratory findings for dengue virus-infected infants and older children in the 2001 to 2002 dengue epidemic in Chennai, India

Feature or finding No. of casesa
P value
Infants Children
Fever 100 100 NSb
Vomiting 24 43 0.004
Rash 55.2 42.1 0.065
Petechiae 0 17.5 0.00003
Hematemesis 0 4.4 0.04
Maleana 3.4 2.6 NS
Hematuria 3.4 3.5 NS
Epistaxis 0 2.6 NS
Edema 17.2 11.4 NS
Drowsiness 20.7 12.3 NS
Convulsions 10.3 3.5 NS
Restlessness 3.4 10.5 0.02
Retroorbital puffiness 27.6 15.8 0.04
Hepatomegaly 93.1 83.3 0.029
Hematocrit value ofc:
    >40% 15 21.7 NS
    30-40% 50 55 NS
    ≤30% 35 19.5 0.01
Platelet count 56,900 84,400 0.0001

Values are percentages, except for mean platelet counts, which are, not numbers of cases, but numbers of platelets per millimeter cubed. Study patients were divided into two groups according to age: infants (n = 29; age, <1 year) and children (n = 114; age range, >1 to 15 years).


NS, not statistically significant.


Laboratory findings.