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. 2007 Jan 16;3:73. doi: 10.1038/msb4100114

Table 2.

Transcripts with multiple votes for tissue-specificity in both human and mouse skeletal muscle

Symbol Name Human RefSeq Mouse RefSeq Votes
MYH2 Myosin, heavy polypeptide 2 NM_017534 NM_144961 7
TTID Myotilin NM_006790 NM_021484 6
TNNT3 Troponin T type 3 NM_006757 NM_011620 6
TNNC2 Troponin C type 2 NM_003279 NM_009394 6
MYBPC2 Myosin binding protein C NM_004533 NM_146189 6
HUMMLC2B Fast skeletal myosin light chain 2 NM_013292 NM_016754 6
ACTN2 Actinin α2 NM_001103 NM_033268 5
VAMP5 Vesicle-associated membrane protein 5 NM_006634 NM_016872 4
TRIP10 Thyroid hormone receptor interactor 10 NM_004240 NM_134125 4
TPM3 Tropomyosin 3 NM_153649 NM_022314 4
SGCG Sarcoglycan γ NM_000231 NM_011892 4
MYOD1 Myogenic differentiation 1 NM_002478 NM_010866 4
MYF6 Myogenic factor 6 (herculin) NM_002469 NM_008657 4
CKM Creatine kinase, muscle NM_001824 NM_007710 4
CACNG1 Calcium channel, voltage-dependent γ1 NM_000727 NM_007582 4
The ‘Votes' column gives the total number of votes for skeletal muscle-specificity in both human and mouse. Our analysis used promoter sets of size 100 for both tissues, including promoters that correspond to transcripts with a single vote for tissue-specific regulation. Tables for the remaining 6 tissues are given in supplementary material.