FIG. 2.
SO-GFP localizes to septal plugs in injured hyphae. Strains were grown for 18 h at 30°C on Vogel's MM agar plates. Hyphae were cut with a razor blade and immediately analyzed by light and fluorescence microscopy. (A to D) AF-T8 (his-3+::Pccg1-so+-gfp+). (E and F) Control strain AF-MF1 (his-3+::Pccg1-gfp+). The septal pores are plugged by the Woronin body (black arrows in panels A and E), SO-GFP localizes to the septal plug (white arrow in panel B). (A and E) DIC images. (B and F) Fluorescent image with GFP filter. (C and G) Calcofluor staining of the cell wall. (D and H) Merged images from panels B and C or F and G (GFP and Calcofluor). (I and J) Hyphae of AF-T8 were cut with a razor blade, stained with calcofluor, and immediately analyzed by deconvolution microscopy. (I) The left hyphal compartment was injured. SO-GFP forms a cap-like structure at the septal plug facing the side of the injury. (J) View of the septal plane. SO-GFP covers the septal pore in the center of the septum (see also movie S1 in the supplemental material). All size bars represent 5 μm.