FIG. 7.
Combined loss of Abr and Bcr results in increased phagocytosis by macrophages and is associated with sustained Rac activation. (A) BMMs were incubated with FITC-E. coli at a ratio of 1:25 in serum-free medium and analyzed by FACS. MFIs of FITC fluorescence from FACS were plotted on the y axis. (B) Representative images of wild-type and double null mutant cells phagocytosing opsonized zymosan particles. F-actin was stained with FITC-phalloidin (green), and zymosan was coupled with AlexaFluor (red). Red and green images are merged to identify the internalized zymosan particles. The external particles appear bright red, whereas the internalized zymosan particles appear orange and are surrounded by F-actin-rich phagocytic cups (arrows point to examples). Bar, 20 μm. (C) Number of phagosomes containing opsonized zymosan. The amount of internalized particles in each cell was counted and plotted against the number of cells containing that amount of particles. The difference in phagosome number distribution between wild-type and the double null BMMs was statistically significant (P < 0.01). (D) BMMs of the indicated genotypes were preincubated with opsonized FITC-E. coli, allowed to phagocytose for the indicated time, and assayed for activated and total Rac as described for Fig. 1.