Quantitation of expression patterns of even-skipped (eve) in blastoderm embryos mutant for knirps and rpd3. eve expression patterns were scored in blastoderm embryos derived from crosses of heterozygous individuals carrying mutations in rpd3 and/or knirps. Heterozygosity at the rpd3 locus for two different alleles had little effect on eve patterning (the mutants were outcrossed to a wild-type strain with yw markers). Heterozygosity at the knirps locus led to 14–21% of blastoderm embryos exhibiting a fused 4/6 or missing stripe 5 phenotype; the frequency of this phenotype increased approximately 1.5 – 2 fold in the rpd3 heterozygous backgrounds. rpd3def24 is a null allele and rpd3 04556 is a P-element insertion that strongly reduces rpd3 expression. Values do not add to 100% in some cases because other, heterogeneous and difficult to classify phenotypes were observed in a small number of embryos.