Figure 1.
Microarray analysis of gene expression in rap1 ts or abf1 ts yeast compared to wild-type strains at 37°C. (A) Scatter plots of gene expression at 37°C in single mRNA preparations from wild-type or ts yeast strains, as indicated, plotted against average gene expression from three independent preparations from wild-type strains. Each point represents the expression of an individual gene. Only genes indicated by Affymetrix software as being present (i.e. expressed above background levels of detection) are shown. (B) Number of genes showing changed expression with FDR <0.05 and subsets with increased or decreased expression by 2-fold (left), and the total number of genes showing 2-fold increased or decreased expression without regard for FDR (right). (C) Major functional categories, consensus motifs, and transcription factors associated with differentially expressed genes from ChIP-chip data (6), derived from T-profiler (22). Only motifs or factors having E-value <0.01 are shown, and all were associated with decreased expression for Rap1.