(A) Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of mouse TIN-ag cDNA. Dotted underline, antisense-ODN; double underlines, ATP/GTP-binding motif; single underlines, PCR primers; ⊗, termination codon; asterisks, glycosylation sites. (B) Profiles of in vitro translated products. A band of ≈52 kDa (thick arrow) is observed when two different full-length TIN-ag cDNA clones were used as the templates in the reaction mixture (lanes 2 and 3). The thin arrow indicates a ≈61-kDa product in lane 1 generated from the control plasmid. Lane 4 represents a negative control where template cDNA was omitted in the reaction mixture. CON+, translation reaction with control plasmid DNA; Cl. 1, translation reaction with TIN-ag cDNA clone 1; Cl. 2, translation reaction with TIN-ag cDNA clone 2; CON−, translation reaction without control plasmid DNA.