Vol. 135: 1100–1112, 2004
Tör M., Brown D., Cooper A., Woods-Tör A., Sjölander K., Jones J.D.G., and Holub E.B. Arabidopsis Downy Mildew Resistance Gene RPP27 Encodes a Receptor-Like Protein Similar to CLAVATA2 and Tomato Cf-9.
The authors wish to communicate the following retraction. This article reported that the allele of gene At1g54480 from Landsberg erecta (Ler)-0 encodes a receptor-like protein that confers resistance to Hiks1 and at least four Ler-0 avirulent/Columbia (Col)-0 virulent isolates of downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica) pathogen in an rpp7.1 mutant background of Col-gl1. Since the publication of the article, the authors have been unable to repeat the results in the original Col-rpp7.1 background as well as in other Col-rpp7 mutants, including Col-rpp7.6, Col-rpp7.7, Col-rpp7.8, Col-rpp7.9, Col-rpp7.10, and Col-rpp7.11. The observed disease resistance in the putative transformants was likely due to seed contamination of the plant lines used for transformation. For this reason, and because the authors are no longer confident in the data in Figure 2 and Table I, they hereby retract their Plant Physiology article. Figure 1 showing the map location of the RPP27 locus (for SGT1b-independent Hiks1 resistance) is not in question. However, the gene within this mapping interval from Ler-0 that confers RPP27 function has yet to be determined. The authors deeply regret this error and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and confusion this mistake caused Plant Physiology and its readership.