Triple response in cul1-6 and double-mutant seedlings is compromised. Wild-type (wt), cul1-6, ebf1, ebf2, ebf1 cul1, and ebf2 cul1 seedlings were germinated and grown in the dark for 6 d. A, Representative phenotypes of seedlings grown on minimal medium or on medium supplemented with 10 μm ACC. White bar = 2 mm. B, Hypocotyl length of seedlings grown in the dark for 6 d with or without 10 μm ACC. Error bars ± se. C, Four-day-old wt, cul1-6, ebf1, ebf2, ebf1 cul1, and ebf2 cul1 seedlings were transferred to auxin for an additional 4 d. Root measurements are expressed as percentage of root growth without auxin. Error bars ± se. [See online article for color version of this figure.]