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. 2007 Mar;18(3):995–1008. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E06-08-0685

Table 2.

Rescue of pgp-2(kx48)

Genotype Autofluorescent organelles Acridine orange–stained organelles Nile Red–stained organelles
Wild type +++ (18) +++ (20) +++ (17)
pgp-2(kx48) − (22) − (19) − (27)
pgp-2(kx48) + vha-6::pgp-2::gfp +++ (23) +++ (46) +++ (16)
pgp-2(kx48) + unc-119::pgp-2::gfp − (22) − (30) − (32)
pgp-2(kx48) + vha-6::pgp-2(K440R)::gfp + (37)a − (19) + (17)b
pgp-2(kx48) + vha-6::pgp-2(K1069R)::gfp + (20)a − (15) + (22)b
pgp-2(kx48) + vha-6::pgp-2(K440R; K1069R)::gfp + (20)a − (19) + (19)b

All strains were grown at 22°C. L4/young adults were analyzed using fluorescence microscopy for autofluorescent, acridine orange, and Nile Red signals in intestinal cells using a standard rhodamine filter. Animals were scored for the number of fluorescent organelles present within the intestine. +++, ++, +, and − correspond to >500, 51–500, 1–50, and 0 organelles, respectively. Values in parentheses are the number of animals scored.

apgp-2 point mutants contained weakly autofluorescent compartments compared with wild type.

bpgp-2 point mutants contained weakly stained Nile Red–stained compartments compared with wild type.