DNA sequence specificity of USF1. (A) Four potential USF1 binding sequences identified by ChIP-chip analysis (Pos, positive control; Seq 1, sequence 1; Seq 2, sequence 2; and Seq 3, sequence 3), as well as a negative control (Neg; an HNF-4α consensus oligonucleotide) were analyzed with PLA for interactions with USF1 in 10-ng HepG2 nuclear extracts. S/N values are shown on the y axis. (B) EMSAs of three of the positive sequences as identified by ChIP-chip along with negative controls, competitive probes with the same (SelfComp) or an unrelated (Unr.comp) binding sequence, and supershift reactions with USF1 (α-USF1) and Sp1 (α-Sp1) antibodies.