FLC 3′ small RNAs are functionally important for FLC regulation. (A) Northern blot analysis of FLC mRNA levels in seedlings of Col-0, dcl2-1, dcl3-1, nrpd1a-3,-4, and rdr2-1. The blot was stripped and rehybridized with β-TUBULIN to monitor loading. (B) FLC locus annotated as in Fig. 1 with the location of three independent Salk T-DNA insertions mapped by PCR to different regions of FLC. (C) Flowering time data for Col-0, flc_utr3, flc_utr4, and flc_utr5. (D) Northern blot analysis of FLC mRNA levels in seedlings of Col-0, flc_utr3, flc_utr4, and flc_utr5. The blot was stripped and rehybridized with β-TUBULIN.