Figure 3.
2C-TCR+ CD8+ T cells from class I+ into β2m−/− chimeras respond to antigen-mediated stimulation. T cells from C57BL/6, 2C-TCR I+, or β2m−/− mice and from the various 2C-TCR+ fetal liver chimeras were stimulated with B10.D2 spleen cells, expressing the Ld alloantigen for the 2C-TCR, or with negative control C57BL/6 spleen cells. Samples of each cell preparation also were stimulated with Con A to assess mitogen responsiveness. The proportion of 1B2+ and 1B2+ CD8+ T cells in each cell preparation before stimulation is given above each set of columns. The Con A responses of the cells from 2C β2m−/− mice and 2C β2m−/− into β2m−/− chimeras probably is mediated by 2C-TCR+ CD4−CD8− cells, which fail to respond to Ld but can respond to more potent stimuli (22). The experiment was repeated once with similar results.