Kinetics of inflammatory mediators in plasma of volunteer 1 during experimental P. falciparum infection. The maximum value of each mediator is defined as 1 and the concentration before infection as zero. The concentration of mediators before infection, respectively, at the maximum levels are the following: sGranzyme A 3 and 108 pg/ml, sGranzyme B 2 and 177 pg/ml, IFNγ 2 and 276 pg/ml, IL-8 3 and 24 pg/ml, IL-10 4 and 47 pg/ml, IL-12 p40 60 and 134 pg/ml, CRP 0·1 and 78 mg/l. ¥ Granzyme A; ▪ Granzyme B; □ IFN; ▴ IL-8; • IL-10; ○ IL-12p40.