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. 2004 Dec;138(3):476–483. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2249.2004.02650.x

Table 1.

The effect of stimulator : responder ratio in primary xenogeneic MLR on the efficacy of BTI-322 in inducing hyporesponsiveness during a secondary MLR to cells of the orginal xenogeneic SLA haplotype, to third-party xenogeneic stimulator cells or to allogeneic stimulator cellsa

Primary xenogeneic MLR (SLAcc stimulation)

Proliferation (cpm) Secondary MLR (SLAcc, SLAdd, or allogeneic stimulation)

Responder : stimulator Control Ig BTI-322 Stimulator BTI-322 in primary culture (% of cpm of control Ig)
1 : 1 101 500 1400 SLAcc   3
SLAdd   2
Allogeneic   5
1 : 0·5  56 600 1000 SLAcc   3
SLAdd 470
Allogeneic 490
1 : 0·25  22 000  700 SLAcc   3
SLAdd  40
Allogeneic 180
1 : 0·125   4 800  700 SLAcc   4
SLAdd 410
Allogeneic 370
1:0     400  500 SLAcc or SLAdd NA
Allogeneic NA

The concentration of responder cells in the primary MLR was 1 × 106/ml, and xenogeneic SLAcc stimulator cells were used at varying responderstimulator ratios. Proliferation data are [3H]TdR incorporation (cpm) at day 5 of the primary MLR in the presence of BTI-322 or control Ig. After harvest and a 3-day culture without stimulation, a secondary MLR was performed with xenogeneic stimulator cells (original SLAcc haplotype or third-party SLAdd), or with allogeneic cells at a 1 : 1 responder : stimulator ratio. The response of cells from primary culture in the presence of BTI-322 is presented as a percentage of that from primary culture in the presence of control Ig: due to the variability in primary and secondary responses this percentage shows variability for the various responder : stimulator ratios.