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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2008 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Neuroimage. 2006 Nov 1;34(1):156–168. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.09.006

Table 1.

OSORU model fits from local maxima of the group-level statistical map of an F-test across all OSORU components, for the initial training session. F-test statistics have been converted to z-scores; coordinates refer to the position of the maxima in MNI space; the mean and standard deviations of the OSORU component parameter estimates for these voxels are tabulated in units of percentage signal change. For readability, component parameter estimates are not shown if they were not significant in GLM analysis. A positive parameter estimate for an undershoot component reflects an undershoot of signal below baseline. The “plot” column specifies corresponding average time-course plots in Figure 5, taken from ROIs centred at these voxels. The final ROI was selected to illustrate activity in the ipsilateral hand motor region.

ROI Z-Score (x, y, z) Ons Sus. Off Ramp Uons Uof f Plot

Right S1 6.89 (42,−26,46) 0.08(.06) 0.86(.07) 0.25(.09) 0(.06) 0.22(.05) 0.13(.07) -
Right SMA 6.78 (6,4,54) 0.33(.07) 0.72(.13) 0.64(.10) 0.05(.08) 0.33(.06) 0(.12) a
Right M1 6.77 (36,−18,58) 0.11(.07) 1.01(.16) 0.14(.08) 0.05(.08) 0.23(.05) 0.10(.06) b
Left Temporal 6.73 (−50,−66,4) 0.62(.09) 0.02(.07) 0.74(.13) 0.02(.07) 0.14(.05) -0.08(.06) c
Right Temporal 6.78 (54,−60,2) 0.51(.07) −0.08(.08) 0.98(.13) −0.19(.07) 0.19(.07) −0.07(.09) -
Left Cerebellum 6.78 (−18,−50,−26) 0.51(.10) 1.07(.17) 0.56(.11) −0.22(.12) 0.04(.06) 0.10(.04) d
Right Thalamus 6.76 (14,−20,2) 0.56(.07) 0.51(.08) 0.45(.10) −0.02(.09) 0(.05) −0.01(.02) e
Right Lingual 6.75 (10,−34,−6) 0.86(.09) 0.29(.13) 1.01(.14) −0.21(.12) 0.30(.09) −0.05(.15) -
Right Fr.Inf.Op. 6.71 (56,8,28) 0.18(.09) 0.54(.06) 0.39(.12) 0.17(.07) 0.25(.05) −0.11(.05) -
Ant. Cingulate 6.65 (4,30,−2) 0.09(.12) −0.94(.08) −0.33(.19) 0.18(.13) −0.01(.07) 0.05(.10) -
Left Occipital 6.53 (−42,−86,20) 0.35(.06) −0.44(.07) 0.29(.10) −0.23(.10) 0.05(.05) 0.12(.08) f
Left M1 6.50 (−56,6,34) 0.17(.07) 0.46(.08) 0.19(.09) 0.30(.09) 0.17(.05) −0.12(.06) -
Right Insula 6.37 (38,−16,8) 0.56(.07) 0.09(.08) 0.58(.10) 0.21(.06) 0.21(.05) −0.03(.09) g
Left Thalamus 6.15 (−10,−22,4) 0.64(.10) 0.45(.10) 0.53(.11) −0.05(.08) 0.14(.07) 0(.20) -
Right Cerebellum 6.05 (14,−64,−24) 0.26(.06) 0.43(.08) 0.36(.07) −0.19(.08) 0.03(.05) 0(.08) h
Left Pallidum 5.96 (−22,−6,−4) 0.40(.06) 0.20(.04) 0.32(.12) −0.01(.10) 0.10(.04) 0.02(.05) i
Mid Cingulate 5.91 (12,−30,40) 0.45(.07) 0.13(.09) 0.77(.11) −0.08(.06) 0.21(.05) −0.16(.06) j
Right Fr.Inf.Tri. 5.89 (56,30,10) 0.42(.07) 0.18(.06) 0.60(.09) −0.07(.10) 0.16(.05) −0.18(.06) -

Left M1 2.9 (−36,−18,54) 0.06(.06) 0.15(.04) 0.47(.08) .10(.05) 0.33(.04) −0.24(.07) k