Fig. 3.
Growth inhibition of MCF-7/RAL2 tumors in response to E2 and FUL. Twenty ovariectomized athymic nude mice were bilaterally injected in the axillary mammary fat pads with 107 MCF-7/RAL2 cells grown in culture and separated into 4 treatment groups of 5 mice each (10 tumors per group) corresponding to 1.5 mg/day RAL po, 0.3 cm E2 capsule sc, 2 mg/day FUL sc, and Control (no treatment). The data shown represent the average tumor cross-sectional area (cm2) per group ± SE. The cross-sectional area of RAL-treated MCF-7/RAL2 tumors was significantly different from E2-treated, FUL-treated and Control-treated tumors (all P-values = < 0.0001).