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. 2007 Feb 26;4:1. doi: 10.1186/1742-4755-4-1

Table 5.

Logistic Regression Results of Level of Exposure to the 100% Jeune program on Outcome Measures, Adjusted Percentages among Females

2002 2003

Low exposure (ref.) Medium-high exposure High exposure Low exposure Medium-high exposure High exposure
Perceived Severity
-HIV-positive person can survive 32.7 38.1 37.7 48.2*** 53.6*** 51.5***
-AIDS can be cured 17.5 17.6 14.0 18.8 16.0 15.8

Perceived Risk
-Moderate/high personal risk 64.0 65.7 70.9 55.6*** 59.6 56.7**
-Knows someone who has/died of HIV/AIDS 41.0 50.0*** 52.0*** 45.9 50.4*** 44.0

Perceived Condom Attributes and Access
-Condoms effective for FP 72.4 72.4 73.3 84.1*** 84.6*** 89.0***
-Condoms effective for HIV/AIDS prevention 88.4 88.4 60.6 93.6*** 94.2*** 93.7**
-Condom source within 10 minutes 65.0 69.2 74.4** 72.2*** 77.2*** 71.9**
-Condoms reduce sexual pleasure 40.5 39.0 31.9** 33.6*** 30.1*** 23.3***

- Can convince regular partner to use condoms a 82.4 82.7 86.9 89.0*** 90.8*** 90.6**
- Can convince casual partner to use condoms b
- Not shy to obtain condoms in nearby shop 51.9 55.6 65.8*** 51.9 60.0*** 65.0***
- Confident knows correct condom use 38.1 50.1*** 64.5*** 47.6*** 55.5*** 59.4***

Perceived Social Support
-Friends support youth condom use 78.3 82.3 85.8** 84.5*** 87.2*** 88.1***
-Parents support youth condom use 66.6 68.7 69.0 67.6 74.8*** 71.1
-Discussed family planning with friends in past year 16.8 27.5*** 25.3** 27.6*** 24.6*** 38.7***
-Discussed family planning with others in past year 23.4 23.9 33.0** 28.6 31.2** 47.8***
-Discussed STI/AIDS with friends in past year 35.2 43.3** 46.9** 42.0** 43.0** 49.1***
-Discussed STI/AIDS with others in past year 28.8 31.6 39.8** 41.7*** 41.6*** 58.9***

Sexual Activity
-Had sex in the past year 77.8 75.7 77.2 75.5 77.5 80.4
-Had 2+ sexual partners in the past year 17.7 22.0 19.3 13.8** 12.8** 12.8

Condom Use
-Ever used condoms 61.4 62.2 67.3 64.2 67.9** 67.5
-Used condom in last sex with regular partner a 47.3 42.2 50.0*** 60.8*** 60.0*** 68.5***
-Always uses condoms with regular partner a 20.2 20.8 24.8 26.7** 32.6*** 39.2***
-Used condom in last sex with casual partner b
-Always uses condoms with casual partner b

Reproductive Health
-Had an STI symptom in the past year c

Number of Cases (100%) 789 494 200 640 589 289

*** p < .01; ** p < .05. FP = family planning; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; STI/AIDS = sexually transmitted infections/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

Analyses of sexual activity control for age, city of residence, level of education, school enrollment status, socioeconomic status, and spontaneous recall of other programs. All other analyses also control for number of sexual partners.

a N = 519, 275, and 108 in 2002 and 371, 314, and 163 in 2003.

b Results are omitted because of the small number of cases.

c Among sexually experienced males only because STIs are often asymptomatic among females. N = 686, 367, and 194 in 2002 and 624, 389, and 207 in 2003.