Fig. 2.
Effects of sinusoidal hip movements on the TA flexion reflex. (A) Average (n = 30) size of the TA long reflex loop (LRL) response as a percentage of the associated control flexion reflex during hip extension and flexion for each subject along with the population data is illustrated. Only in two subjects (S3 and S12), the reflex was not statistically significantly different from control reflex values (P > 0.05) with the hip at mid-extension. (B, C) For each subject as well as for the average from all subjects tested, the pre-stimulus TA background EMG activity measured from the rectified EMG recordings 50 ms before sural nerve stimulation for a duration of 50 ms, and the post-stimulus TA background EMG activity measured 200–250 ms after sural nerve stimulation for a duration of 50 ms is illustrated for cases where the flexion reflex was elicited while the hip was moving in flexion and in extension. For all graphs, the subject number is identified on the abscissa, and asterisks indicate cases of statistically significant differences. Error bars designate the standard error of the mean.