GAL1-TEL1 induction triggers telomere lengthening and checkpoint
activation in cells with short telomeres. Wild-type (K699), TEL1
GAL1-TEL1 (YLL1133), TEL1 GAL1-TEL1 yku70Δ (YLL1230), and
yku70Δ (YLL941) cell cultures exponentially growing in YEP +
raf for >80 generations (time 0) were shifted to YEP + raf + gal and
samples were taken at the indicated times to analyze DNA content by FACS
analysis (A), telomere length (B, top), and the pattern of Rad53
phosphorylation by Western blot by using anti-Rad53 antibodies (B, bottom).
Genomic DNA in B was digested with XhoI and hybridized with a
poly(GT) telomere-specific probe.