Role of Hsl1p kinase activity in phosphorylation and localization of Hsl1p,
Hsl7p, and Swe1p. (A) Cells of strains DLY5000 (HSL1-myc HSL7-HA) and
DLY5390 (hsl1K110R-myc HSL7-HA) were grown to
exponential phase, harvested, and lysed. Top, Western blot of myc-tagged Hsl1p
or Hsl1pK110R. Bottom, Western blot of hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged
Hsl7p from HSL1 or hsl1K110R strains. (B)
Localization of Hsl1p, Hsl7p, and Swe1p in strains containing wild-type (top)
or catalytically inactive (bottom) Hsl1p. Left, localization of Hsl1p-myc or
Hsl1pK110R-myc in strains DLY5000 and DLY5390. Middle, localization
of Swe1p-myc in strains JMY1435 and DLY5019. Right, localization of Hsl7p-HA
in strains DLY5794 and DLY5002.