Temperature-sensitive phenotypic analysis of the UPR-inducing kar2
mutants. Serial dilutions from log-phase cultures of the wild-type and the
indicated mutant strains were inoculated on rich medium and incubated at the
indicated temperatures for 3–6 d. The relative strength of UPR
activation in the various mutants at 30°C is also indicated; –, no
activation; + to +++, varying degrees of UPR activation as determined by the
length of time required for the mutant colonies to turn blue in agar-overlay
plate assays for β-galactosidase activity (see MATERIALS AND METHODS for
details). The nomenclature of the mutants in this figure does not correspond
to previously isolated kar2 mutant alleles, but the amino acid
position(s) and predicted substitution(s) in the mutant alleles are indicated.
Nucleotide substitutions that do not change the encoded amino acid sequence
from the wild-type allele (i.e., silent mutations) are not shown. ND, DNA
sequence analysis of the mutant allele was not completed.