Figure 2.
Verification of the chromosome location of the gpt gene in the GHR3 clone, a transfectant of EJ30, and in T34, a MSU1.1 transfectant cell line, and analysis of the T34 karyotype by comparative genomic hybridization. (A) In situ hybridization of the transfectant cell line GHR3 by using a pPMH16 generated probe for gpt, detected with avidin-FITC, gives a clear signal in the centromeric region of one C-group chromosome. The chromosomes are counterstained by propidium iodide. (B) The same metaphase spread as in A after reprobing with a chromosome painting probe for chromosome 11. The chromosome bearing the marker pPMH16 is identified as a derivative chromosome 11. In addition there is a normal chromosome 11 and a derivative 11p bearing material of chromosome 20q. (C) Metaphase spread of T34 after FISH with the biotinylated probe pPMH16. Signals are seen in chromosome 1 (arrow), chromosome 4 (arrowhead), and chromosome 10 (arrow). (D) Average ratio profile (curve) from pter to qter (for each chromosome) obtained from CGH analysis of the MSU1.1-derived transfectant cell line T34. The baseline ratio value (1.0) and thresholds 0.80 (Left) and 1.25 (Right) are shown as vertical reference lines. Chromosome ideograms (inverted G-banding) are shown for approximate visual reference. Only the ratio value of chromosome 1q falls outside the normal range (partial trisomy 1q). Heterochromatic regions, centromeres, and telomeres are excluded from evaluation.