A, PSTHs of responses of 5 V1 cells stimulated with optimized gratings restricted to their CRF. Responses were recorded during three different states: PTV cortex kept at 36°C (left column, control); PTV cortex inactivated by cooling it to 10°C (middle column, inactivation); and within an hour after rewarming of PTV cortex to 36°C (right column, rewarming). Each PSTH represents an average of 8 trials. Due to deterioration of responses 10 min after rewarming, the ‘postrewarming’ PSTH of cell c is not presented. Cells a, b, d and e were recorded from layers 4, 6, 3 and 6, respectively. B, the mean F1 and F0 of the same 5 cells during control conditions, inactivation and after rewarming of PTV cortex. Error bars are s.e.m.