Conditional KO of the Acc1 gene in liver. A. Southern blot analysis of the liver DNA from the wild-type (+/+), Acc1+/lox(ex46) (+/L), and Acc1lox(ex46)/lox(ex46) (L/L) mice with or without the Fabpl-cre transgenic allele. The BglII-digested DNA fragments were hybridized with probe B. Arrows indicate targeted (Lox; 4.5 kb), wild-type (WT; 1.8 kb), and recombined (KO; 1.4 kb) alleles. B. Relative amount of hepatic Acc1 mRNA in each genotype (n = 3). The Acc1 expression level was measured by quantitative real-time PCR analysis, normalized with the endogenous β-actin mRNA level, and is shown as an amount relative to that in the wild-type mice. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. C. Western blot analysis of hepatic ACC1 protein. Total protein was loaded on gradient (3% to 8%) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gel (50 μg/lane) and detected with anti-ACC1 antibody (Ab).