Figure 3.
In vitro analysis of gelatinolytic activity of wild type and mutant GelA and MT1-MMP produced in Xenopus embryos. The mRNAs encoding FLAG-tagged GelA, MT1-MMP or their mutants were injected into one blastomere of stage 2 embryos (3 ng/embryo). Proteins were extracted 1 day after injection and subjected to gelatin zymography (top panels) or Western blotting (bottom panels) as in Fig. 2. Note that again wild type MT1-MMP (as well as the inactive mutant E231A) did not exhibit any gelatinolytic activity and that GelA wild type and autoactive mutants (N100G and N100R) but not inactive mutant (E401A) had activity. Both latent form (arrow) and the activated form (open arrow) of GelA were detected on the zymogram gel (the activated form was much weaker for wild type and autoactive mutant N100R, and no activity was detected for the inactive mutant E401A), although only the latent form was detected on western blot. The locations of the molecular weight standards are indicated with arrowheads. The percentage of each form of GelA on the zymogram was calculated by densitometry from four independent experiments and shown at the bottom.