Fig. 2.
a Craniofacial phenotype of young children with NS, CFC, and CS aged between 10 and 18 months. Their genotypes are PTPN11 G503R, BRAF K499E, and HRAS G13C, respectively. Note the similarities of facial features, including hypertelorism, broad forehead, and low-set ears. Coarse facial features are particularly typical of CS. b The same disorders in older children and adolescents with the mutations PTPN11 N308D, MEK2 F57I, and HRAS G12S, respectively. Facial features become more distinct with age, although the similarities of the three syndromes are still evident. Courtesy of Prof. Rainer König, Frankfurt (images of CFC patients) and Prof. Kerstin Kutsche, Hamburg (images of CS patients)