Analysis of Shh/Tgif double mutant mice. (A) Genotyping data at postnatal day 21 (P21) of offspring obtained from Shh/Tgif double heterozygote intercrosses in a mixed strain background. Numbers of mice with each genotype, the percentage of the total number of mice with each genotype observed, and the expected percentage of mice with each genotype, based on Mendelian ratios, are shown. (B) Genotyping data of embryos at 10.5 dpc obtained from Tgif heterozygotes crossed with Shh/Tgif double heterozygotes in a C57BL6/J strain background. The number of embryos with each genotype observed and the expected frequency of each genotype are shown, as in A. (C) The number of embryos of each genotype from the breeding in B with each type of observed defect is shown. (D–G) Examples of defective embryos. (D) Wildtype (left) 10.5 dpc embryo and a littermate with growth delay (right). (E) Growth arrested embryo. (F). Embryo with open neural tube defect. (G) Embryo with brain reduction.