Schematic, rostral-to-caudal, density-atlas sections demonstrate that astroglial density varies considerably in the adult CNS. Antero-posterior (AP) coordinates, in mm from Bregma, are indicated above the schematics. The colorimetric density gradient (top) represents increasing density (defined as the number of astroglia per mm2 in 30 μm sections). Schematic representations of neuronally defined regions are based on Franklin and Paxinos (1997). Abbreviations: am, amygdala; cc, corpus callosum; cl, claustrum; ctx, cortex; dr; dorsal root, spinal cord; fi, fimbria; fmi, forceps minor, corpus callosum; fo, fornix; gc, granule cell layer, cerebellum; gl, glomerular cell layer, olfactory bulb; gm; grey matter, spinal cord; gp, globus pallidus; gr, granule cell layer, olfactory bulb; hpc, hippocampus; hyp, hypothalamus; ic, internal capsule; ls, lateral septal nucleus; mg, medial geniculate nucleus, thalamus; ml, molecular layer, cerebellum; mm, mammilary nucleus; na, nucleus accumbens; po, preoptic nucleus, hypothalamus; sc, superior colliculus; sn, substantia nigra; str, striatum; vp, ventral pallidum; wm, white matter, spinal cord; zi, zona incerta.