Investigation of phenotype and gene expression of FIP1 transgenic seedlings grown under various light conditions. A, Phenotypes of transgenic seedlings overexpressing or inhibiting FIP1 expression under cFR irradiation. Wild-type Columbia was used as a control. fin219 mutant is another control. FIPOE, FIP1 overexpressor; FIP1AS-171 and FIP1AS-421, FIP1 antisense lines. SALK_080514, T-DNA insertion line of FIP1. Homozygous transgenic seedlings were grown under cFR for 4 d. B, Measurement of hypocotyl length of wild-type Columbia, fin219 mutant (fin219), FIP1 overexpressor (FIP1OE), and FIP1 antisense line (FIP1AS-171 and FIP1AS-421) seedlings grown for 4 d in the dark or under different light conditions. Light intensity, White light (WL) 77 μmol m−2 s−1; FR light, 1.47 μmol m−2 s−1; R light, 93.72 μmol m−2 s−1; and B light, 3.75 μmol m−2 s−1. D, Darkness. Error bars indicate sd (n = 30). C, RNA gel-blot analysis of FIP1 gene expression in transgenic seedlings grown in cFR for 4 d; 20 μg total RNA were loaded onto a gel, then blotted to a nylon membrane (Roche) and probed with a gene-specific region at the 3′-UTR of the FIP1 gene (FIP1 3′-UTR) and the full length of FIP1 cDNA (FIP1 FL).