Figure 3.
Confocal Microscopic Observation of cry2-GFP Nuclear Accumulation (Guo et al., 1999) in Shoot Apex, the Hypoctyl, and the Root.
Seedlings were grown for 10 d under LD. Green fluorescence from GFP and red fluorescence from chlorophyll were overlaid electronically. In addition, differential interference contrast images were overlaid for hypocotyl and root. Images of pCRY-C2G-16 ([A], [I], and [Q]), pCAB-C2G-6 ([B], [J], and [R]), pSUC-C2G-2 ([C], [K], and [S]), pSultr-C2G-10 ([D], [L], and [T]), pML-C2G-6 ([E], [M], and [U]), pCER-C2G-8 ([F], [N], and [X]), pUFO-C2G-13 ([G], [O], and [V]), and pAt3g-C2G-7 ([H], [P], and [W]) seedlings are shown. Bar = 100 μm.
(A) to (H) cry2-GFP fluorescence in the shoot apex. Dotted lines indicate the edges of shoot apex and leaf primordia.
(I) to (P) cry2-GFP fluorescence in the hypocotyl.
(Q) to (X) cry2-GFP fluorescence in the root and root tip.