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. 1998 Jan 6;95(1):310–315. doi: 10.1073/pnas.95.1.310

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Woodchuck DNA and WHx, WHc, and WHs proteins in uPA/RAG-2 mice transplanted with WHV-positive woodchuck hepatocytes. (A) A Southern blot of genomic DNAs, hybridized with a woodchuck genome DNA probe. Lanes 1–4 present mixtures of genomic woodchuck liver DNA and untransplanted uPA/RAG-2 mouse genomic liver DNA with signals reflecting 100%, 50%, 20%, and 1%, woodchuck hepatocyte DNA, respectively. Lane 5 presents 100% untransplanted uPA/RAG-2 mouse DNA. Woodchuck DNA is undetectable in the spleen of transplanted uPA/RAG-2 mice (lane 6) but present in various amounts in all lobes of the liver of the uPA/RAG-2 mouse transplanted with WHV-positive woodchuck hepatocytes (lanes 7–11). (B) WHV DNA forms, detectable in uPA/RAG-2 mouse genomic liver DNA, hybridized with a WHV DNA probe. Lanes: 1, uPA/RAG-2 mouse liver; 2, uPA/RAG-2 mouse liver transplanted with WHV-positive woodchuck hepatocytes; 3, donor woodchuck genomic liver DNA. OC, open circular DNA; RF, replicative WHV DNA forms; CCC, covalently closed circular DNA; SS, single-stranded DNA. Lane M contains molecular size markers. (C) Immunoprecipitates with WHx antiserum from uPA/RAG-2 mouse liver (lane 1), from uPA/RAG-2 mouse transplanted with WHV-positive woodchuck hepatocytes (lane 2), and from donor woodchuck liver (lane 3). (D) Immunoblotting with WHc antiserum of hepatocyte extracts from uPA/RAG-2 mouse (lane 1), from uPA/RAG-2 mouse transplanted with WHV-positive woodchuck hepatocytes (lane 2), and from donor woodchuck (lane 3). (E) WHs proteins in uPA/RAG-2 mice serum. Immunoblotting with WHs antiserum of uPA/RAG-2 mouse 249 and uPA/RAG-2 mouse sera transplanted with WHV-positive woodchuck hepatocytes (uPA/RAG-2 mice 496, 969, 1063, and 1418). Lane WC was probed with WHV-positive woodchuck serum.