Figure 11.
Induction of KC in spleen and liver analyzed by in situ hybridization. BALB/cJ or C57BL/6J mice were injected i.p. with 100 μg LT. Spleens and livers were harvested at 2.5, 6, 24, or 36 hours after injection for in situ analysis of KC production. (a–c) Whole-organ-section phosphorimages of sense (s; control) and antisense (as) 35S KC probe hybridization to BALB/cJ spleen and liver at 2.5 hours (a), 6 hours (b), and 24 hours (c). (d) Sections of C57BL/6J mouse organs at 6 hours after LT. Arrows in a–d indicate the single spleen section in each panel; all other sections are liver. Red signifies the highest intensity of signal, while bluish-green is negative background. (e–h) Silver-grain densities in various regions of each organ. (e) High clustering of grains at liver hepatocytes, with little association with endothelial cells (EC). (f) Higher expression in the spleen marginal zone (MZ) in contrast to white pulp (W). (g) A dark-field image similarly showing the higher silver-grain densities associated with marginal zone (MZ), red pulp (R), and follicular dendritic cells (FDC). (h) High density of silver grains at the FDCs of the white pulp.