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. 2003 Sep;47(9):2756–2764. doi: 10.1128/AAC.47.9.2756-2764.2003


Results of a Cox proportional hazard model describing independent relations between empirical antimicrobial therapy and risk of death during early follow-upa

Characteristic Hazard ratio 95% CI P value
Empirical antimicrobial therapy
    Adequate combination therapy 1.0
    Adequate monotherapy 0.81 0.31-2.1 0.66
    Inadequate therapy 1.2 0.29-5.2 0.79
Age (yr)
    <65 1.0
    ≥65 0.22 0.06-0.81 0.02
Clinical presentation
    Simple sepsis 1.0
    Severe sepsis 31.5 3.5-286.4 0.002
    Shock 38.0 5.4-267.8 <0.001

Early follow-up started on the date of bacteremia and extended to the end of the last day before receipt of the antibiogram. Similar results were obtained after exclusion of the 26 patients who had a known urinary or vascular source of P. aeruginosa infection.